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Trinity's Communication Skills exams


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Help your students become articulate, persuasive communicators ready for the real world

Communication Skills offers a unique and valuable framework to teach and assess the softer skill areas. Ideal for courses with a focus on leadership and global citizenship, the Communication Skills exam will have a positive and lasting impact on your students. 

‘The Communication Skills exams are really important to people of all age groups, especially 14 to 18 year olds. The challenges that Trinity presents with these exams encourages self-expression; problem solving; clear, well-projected delivery memorisation; along with concise, thoughtful and informative presentations.’

– Patricia Groves, LGSM, Leeds Grammar School

The key transferable skills gained from these qualifications are:

  • How to prepare and deliver an effective presentation

  • The ability to express yourself in an articulate, authentic and appropriate way

  • How to interact with different people, roles and audiences

  • How to use research and analytical skills to prepare presentations on different topics

To help you decide on the best options for your students, download this detailed guide to the syllabus specifications,  delivery framework and outcomes for students and schools.

Download the free guide

This resource outlines:

  • A full overview of the grades available and how to decide which grade to enter your students for

  • Details on the different modules and the skills that students develop within each

  • The amount of UCAS points attached to particular grades

  • Information for teachers, enrichment officers and other educators.

Simply complete the form below to get your free guide to Trinity's Communication Skills syllabus specifications. 



Access the Complete Guide to Trinity's Communication Skills Syllabus Specifications