English language webinars - Teachers

Teacher competencies for the modern classroom, Chris Farrell

Written by Trinity College London | Jul 1, 2021 8:35:31 PM

Chris Farrell of the Centre of English Studies (CES) in Ireland presented on 'Teacher competencies for the modern classroom' at the Future of English Language Teaching Conference (FOELT) in June 2021.



This session will focus on the key teacher competencies which need to be highlighted and developed in order to achieve success in the modern classroom. This session will use the Eaquals Teacher Development Framework to look at what areas of teacher development and training should be focused on in training sessions and in-house development programmes. We will take into account the needs of the Hybrid Classroom, the Socially Distanced Classroom, the Online Classroom, and the Blended Classroom as we look at areas of teaching which may benefit from being reevaluated and highlighted going forward. This session will aim to provide practical advice both to teachers and to teacher trainers to best prepare for success in the modern classroom by following a clear and accessible framework and seeking to create achievable 'next steps' which are relevant to their own context.




Download the Powerpoint slides from this Breakout Session.