English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Introducing Trinity's ESOL Activities for Integration

This talk was designed to demonstrate practical activities for the ESOL classroom that can be used to support the development of speaking and listening skills.


Participants were provided with a solid overview of Trinity’s Activities for Integration support packs that are designed to promote higher levels of social engagement and inclusion. The presenter explored a selection of lesson activities from Entry 1 to Level 2 that allow students to draw upon their own day-to-day living experiences, communicate authentically and succeed in their exams.




About Trinity ESOL: Activities for Integration

This new teacher support pack is designed to help address the challenges learners face when integrating into their communities and into wider society. They provide teachers with a coherent and highly practical set of materials at pre-entry, Entry 1-3, and Levels 1-2 of the Adult ESOL Core Curriculum.


They can be used flexibly as a basis for any ESOL lesson, or to support students who are preparing for Trinity’s Step 1 and Step 2 Awards or ESOL Skills for Life exams. Every lesson includes clear objectives, comprehensive teaching notes, handouts and exam tips where relevant.


The Trinity ESOL: Activities for Integration support packs are available in two versions – one for face-to-face delivery, and one for online teaching environments. They are freely available in the ESOL resources area of the Trinity website.


Note: This recording supersedes a previous recording.


Find out more

Topics: Assessment, ESOL Skills for Life


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