English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Discover Trinity's Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)

This short introductory webinar was designed for teachers and administrators who are new to Trinity exams, or those who have little knowledge of the structure and content of Trinity’s Graded Examinations in Spoken English exams (GESE).



GESE is available from Pre-A1-C2 and is Trinity's popular 2-skill speaking and listening exam often undertaken to evidence English language proficiency and fluency in conclusion of communicative English programmes and short-study courses.

The presenter looked at the underlying principles of all Trinity exams, and provided:

  • A full outline of the structure of GESE
  • An overview of the rationale for all task types in the GESE exam
  • Practical advice on running GESE either face-to-face or by online delivery
  • Information on how to provide GESE at your school
  • A description of the resources and support available to help learners prepare






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