English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Overt Teaching: Setting Yourself Up for Success with Effective Aims & Objectives

This session by David Byrne and Mark Heffernan took place at the online Future of English Language Teaching Conference (FOELT), organised by Trinity College London and Regent’s University London. You can learn more about the annual event at trinitycollege.com/FOELT.


Watch the video





Overt Teaching argues that successful learning is dependent on learners being actively involved in the learning process. Not only do learners need to be aware of what they are learning and why, but their involvement in the discussion of their own success is critical.


In this talk, we will examine how effective aims and objectives are the first step in engaging students in the discussion of learning, and how this conversation can continue throughout your lesson, culminating in the creation and discussion of success criteria. You will learn to word your aims and objectives so they can be easily understood and discussed by learners. You will also learn to use these aims to create success criteria so learners can easily visualise and discuss success.


About the presenter

David Byrne has worked in EFL for over a decade and has taught all the ages, levels and exams he could find. He’s worked in Ireland, England, Spain and South Korea, but the majority of his career has been spent in London where he has worked in a number of ELT roles.


Mark Heffernan has taught English for over 18 years. From the very beginning, he shared lesson ideas and started to run CPD sessions. He spent many years focusing on exam teaching before moving to Queen Mary University of London, where he teaches EAP and is a module convenor.



Topics: Teacher Education, The Future of English Language Teaching Conference, FOELT 2023


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