English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Introducing the GESE Schemes of Work

The GESE exam is a popular choice in peak periods, but increasingly we’re finding schools opting to offer preparation courses for part-time learners, and in optional conversation classes year-round.

This webinar provided participants with an overview of the Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE), and a full introduction and demonstration of the materials included in the new GESE Schemes of Work.




Download the presentation slides used in this webinar.


About the GESE Schemes of Work

The GESE Schemes of Work offer a practical all-in-one resource to ensure all aspects of exam preparation are covered, and to help save on preparation time and planning. Many of the activities included in the schemes are suitable for a range of teaching environments and support best practice in communicative language teaching.

The GESE Schemes of Work:

  • Are available for Grades 4-12 (CEFR A2 – C2)
  • Provide an ideal framework for approx. 30 hours of teaching time (full or part-time)
  • Promote best practice in communicative language teaching
  • Can be used flexibly on short, intensive courses, or over a longer part-time course
  • Include full details of aims, assumptions, teaching notes and timetabling for each GESE Grade
  • Are supported by a wide range of individual activities, worksheets and  handouts for classroom use


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