English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

How to access research, English as a Lingua Franca

During this webinar, Ben Beaumont and and FoELT 2019 presenter Marek Kiczkowiak talked about how applied linguistics research can provide insights that contribute significantly to the design of effective teaching procedures. They also discussed pedagogical principles and practical ideas for teaching ELF (English as a Lingua Franca), and how this differs from teaching EFL or ESL.





How to access research

Marek and Ben discussed how challenging it can be to access research, citing high costs and lack of awareness of where to look. Ben pointed out that Google Scholar provides access to research for free in many cases.

Marek also mentioned ELT Research Bites, which aims to present interesting and relevant language and education research in an easily digestible format. Click on the image below to access the site.

ELT reserach bites

Ben and Marek mentioned a few other great sites, including researchgate.net and academia.edu


English as a Lingua Franca

Marek and Ben shared a range of books, blog posts and pieces of research of relevance to any teacher interested in finding out more about teaching English as a Lingua Franca:

teaching english as a linguae franca  Understanding_English_as_a_Lingua_Franca



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