English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Setting the Standard for University Admission and Beyond

Central to the success of many language schools and foundation programmes are the courses that are centred on exam preparation to help lead learners into an undergraduate course of study or to prepare them for the world of work. The exam choices for these courses are critical in that they directly influence the quality of teaching and learning, a widely researched notion known as washback (Anderson & Wall 1993), and something that can be positive, or indeed, negative.

This pivotal choice is far too often based on a variety of common assumptions that ignore a range of potential consequences in that it can determine not only learners’ chances of success in the exam itself, but directly influence the development of the wide range of skills that are instrumental to success in academic or work environments.

This session exposed the assumptions surrounding exam choices and enabled participants to critically evaluate the options available and consider the significant implications this can have upon their programmes.







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Topics: Assessment, ISE, The Future of English Language Teaching Conference


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