English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Upskilling with Trinity Teach English Online and the CertOT

This webinar introduced participants to Trinity’s new Teach English Online course and the Certificate in Online Teaching (CertOT) qualification. We explored how teachers can expand their knowledge and skills to successfully support, lead and develop their learners with the Teach English Online course, and the opportunity teachers have to formalise their development with an internationally recognised, Ofqual-regulated, Level 4 teaching qualification - the CertOT.


The session also covered how we arrived at the final pedagogy, design and application of the course, as well as the impact study results which highlighted the areas of training content that teachers have found most beneficial in the development of their online teaching skills.





Teaching English

Topics: Assessment, Teacher Education, Teaching online


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