English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Adapting and extending your course books to avoid boredom, Carmen García-López and Raquel González-Gómez

Both Carmen García-López and Raquel González-Gómez of Salesianas Alicante School in Spain presented on 'Adapting and extending your coursebooks to avoid boredom' at the 6th annual Future of English Language Teaching Conference (FOELT) in June 2021.



The purpose of this session is to provide a series of techniques to extend and enhance your course books in order to awaken motivation in your students. As it can be tedious to do the same activities which usually lead to useless feedback, we are going to show you how to deal with the day to day difficulties of teaching English. We will encourage your students to receive positive feedback and work with new multisensory activities to practice the different skills in your classroom. With that, we will reach our goal: confirm understanding, achieve learner agency and develop critical thinking, since you will also be able to adapt your course book, using it as a tool, to achieve inclusiveness in your classroom. Technology, creativity and innovation will help us to transform your course books into the most enjoyable class!


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Topics: Teacher Education, The Future of English Language Teaching Conference, FoELT 2021


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