English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Exploiting digital tools to enhance formative feedback and improve learning

Martin Oetegenn of Trinity College London presented on 'Exploiting digital tools to enhance formative feedback and improve learning' at the Online Future of English Language Teaching Conference in October 2020. 

In this workshop participants explored the different ways digital tools can be used to enhance the ways teachers can give feedback on their learner’s spoken and written output. This feedback can be corrective - focussing our learner’s attention on errors they have made, enhancing – helping them upgrade/improve their output, or encouraging – helping improve their confidence. Participants were able to consider teacher-led and peer feedback, evaluating the role more modern tools, such as QR codes, can play.

This session aimed to explore how formative feedback techniques can impact upon achievement of learning outcomes, with practical examples for professional practice.


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Topics: Technology and Innovation, The Future of English Language Teaching Conference, FoELT 2020


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