English Language Webinars

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Using forms for online examinations and practise

Pablo Morales of "Lopez Morillas" High School in Jaen, presented on 'Using forms for online examinations and practise' at the 5th Future of English Language Teaching Conference in October 2020.

In the last few years, new forms of testing have been proposed by several examining bodies. As it becomes an increasing demand on behalf of English learners, a direct, sound and trustworthy.


I have been working with Google Forms in the last few months, with remarkable success in terms not only of results but also in motivation. The use of these forms, together with some extensions (the so-called add-ons) makes this tool a powerful one to develop students´ performance and confidence.


Another outstanding advantage of other programmes and applications is that the use of Google, to this extent, is free. This makes it a usable feature for everyone, accessible and open to endless possibilities for its use and development.


My proposal is simple: expose my achievements on this field, explaining why I do think this is a key point to be seriously taken into account in the near future.


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Topics: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Technology and Innovation, The Future of English Language Teaching Conference, FoELT 2020


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