English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

Workplace English Language Learning - Making it happen!

Gillian Kincaid-Dugen of Derby College presented on 'Workplace English Language Learning - Making it happen!' at the Future of English Language Teaching Conference 2020.


Overheard in the staff room:- “If they want to learn English they would have to cut back on their shifts or hours and come to classes.” – How realistic is this?

After coordinating Derby College’s Innovative ESOL Project, Gillian facilitated a creative discussion about providing opportunities for migrant workers in the UK to access English language learning.

The project had three specific strands: community engagement; DWP referrals; in work progress. We delivered in several workplace settings.

Gillian presented a ‘snapshot’ of her experience with employers throughout the project and evaluation from delivery within these settings.


Gillian facilitated a discussion about these specific areas:-

• The needs/desires of migrant workers for English language learning.
• Options for delivery in/for a workplace setting.
• The assumption that the employer will be motivated to support language learning for their workforce. (The Health and Safety Executive states "You should consider providing English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses for workers who need to improve their English.")

Gillian also offered some valuable tips for engaging with employers.


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Topics: Technology and Innovation, The Future of English Language Teaching Conference, FoELT 2020


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