English Language Webinars

Trinity organises events and various webinar series throughout the year. Most Trinity-organised events are free, but may require advance registration.

What's new at Trinity College London

Alison Castle Kane, Business Development Manager (Language) for the UK and Ireland provided a short informal meeting during the break at the Future of English Language Teaching Conference 2020.

This short informal meeting provided an update to participants on recent developments at Trinity College London including:

The GESE and ISE exams, now running by online delivery in response to the ongoing pandemic; and the Certificate for Practicing teachers (Cert PT) - our new level 6 professional development qualification for TESOL.  


Learn more

For those of you who are new to Trinity or have little knowledge of how Trinity exams work, we have put together a series of short webinars to introduce our key examinations:


Further information

Watch dl-slide


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Topics: Assessment, Teacher Education, The Future of English Language Teaching Conference, FoELT 2020


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